Airway and Sleep Group Podcast

Low-Dose, High-Quality X-Ray Imagery with Green X Scans

Dr. Liliana Calkins

With the world’s focus on “going green,” we want to do our part. In addition, we want to provide our patients with the finest diagnostic tools available. That’s why at Airway & Sleep Group we combine the two by offering Green X scanning. 

What is Green X?

Produced by Vatech, Green X is a highly-advanced 3rd generation compressed sensing technology that combines low-dose radiation X-ray scans with high-quality 3D images for use by dental and medical professionals. 

Benefits of Green X

The Largest Single Scan FOV Range

One of the greatest benefits of Green X is its ability to offer a wide range of selectable fields of view (FOV). This enables doctors to choose the optimum FOV mode while at the same time minimizing the radiation exposure to areas not of interest. Scans from five FOVs can range from a single tooth capture to an entire facial view, and can include the full arch region, sinus and left or right TMJ to suit most oral surgery cases and multiple implant surgeries.

Lowest Dosage

It is a common belief that inferior images are associated with low radiation. However, this is not true of the Green X technology. With reduction of up to 70% lower radiation than other types of scans, achieving clinically-diagnosable image quality is possible. In addition, its FOV range ability to focus directly upon the area in question reduces overall radiation to other parts of the face and neck.

Highest Quality Imagery

Green X is a highly-advanced 4-in-1 digital X-ray system incorporating panoramic (Pano), CBCT, Cephalometric (Ceph) (optional) and Model scan with high-resolution images.

  • Pano = panoramic wrap-around X-ray of the face and teeth
  • Ceph = lateral/side view X-ray of the face
  • CBCT = cone beam computed tomography using a cone-shaped X-ray beam to capture an overall view of the entire mouth, jaw, nasal and throat areas, in 3D images that show bone, airway and soft tissues

The Fastest Scan Time

Green X is fast, which minimizes exposure and offers quick diagnostic capabilities. Image speeds range from Ceph scans at 1.9 seconds and CBCT scans at 2.9 seconds, to Pano scans at 3.9 seconds.

What the Improved Green X Imaging Means to You

Not all communities offer access to high-resolution imaging centers. But because we strive to provide our patients with the best and most improved diagnostic services available, we made the choice to invest in Green X Imaging.

Your quality of dental care is important. So is your overall health. If we can provide superior imaging while reducing your exposure to radiation, it is in everyone’s best interest. And as technology continues to improve and innovate, Airway & Sleep Group will continue to upgrade its services. It’s our commitment to our patients and our community.

Airway & Sleep Group

Airway & Sleep Group diagnoses and treats sleep disorders and airway obstruction through craniofacial orthopedics, TMJ treatments, orofacial myofunctional therapy, and interceptive orthodontics in order to provide our patients with quality sleep and an overall improvement in their quality of life. To do so, we find it important to invest in continuing education and improved technology.

To learn more about Green X or to schedule an appointment with Airway & Sleep Group, please contact us at (571) 244-7329 or complete our easy-to-use online contact form